La Geoetica all'EGU - General Assembly 2015
Sessione EOS8
Geoethics for Society: general aspects and case studies in geosciences
La sottomissione dei riassunti è aperta
(scadenza per la sottomissione: 7 gennaio 2015, ore 13:00)
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly
Vienna (Austria), 12-17 Aprile 2015
Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Susan W. Kieffer, Eduardo Marone
Descrizione della Sessione
Geoethics consists of research and reflection on the values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices, wherever human activities interact with the geosphere. Geoethics deals with the ethical, social and cultural implications of Earth Sciences education, research and practice, and with the social role and responsibility of geoscientists in conducting their activities.
As scholars and experts on some of the most urgent problems affecting our planet, geoscientists can play a fundamental role in society, thanks to their unique range of skills, by helping to meet human needs and address environmental problems at the local and global scale, and by providing information and expert advice to support informed decision-making and public debate. Education, at all levels, must be re-oriented to give 21st century citizens a better understanding of natural systems and our interactions with them, and to equip them to participate in debate about the challenges of living equitably and sustainably on our planet. Geoscientists have a great deal to contribute to this re-orientation.
Silvia Peppoloni |
Nic Bilham |
![]() |
Susan Kieffer |
Eduardo Marone |

La IAPG è affiliata allo IUGS e all'AGI e la sezione italiana dell'Associazione è ospitata presso la Società Geologica Italiana.
Sottometti un riassunto
7 gennaio 2015, ore 13:00
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