giovedì 10 dicembre 2015

La sessione di Geoetica all'EGU General Assembly 2016

Call for abstracts

Session EOS5:
Geoethics: theoretical and practical aspects from research integrity to relationships between geosciences and society

Convener: Silvia Peppoloni
Co-conveners: Nic Bilham, Eduardo Marone, Marie Charriere, Tony Mayer

Recent years have seen a great growth of interest in geoethics among geoscientists. They have become more involved in discussions of the values which underpin appropriate behaviors and practices, wherever human activities interact with the geosphere. All branches of geosciences have ethical, social and cultural implications. Therefore, there is an evident need to develop an ethical framework for geoscience research and practices that can help geoscientists confronting ethical dilemmas and make them more aware of their responsibility in conducting their activities.

Geoethical principles apply to geoscientists’ work across four equally important domains: the self, colleagues, society and the natural environment. Thus, the spectrum of geoethics topics is very broad. It includes issues of research integrity and professional deontology, data production and management, conflicts of interest, publishing ethics , the role of geoscientists in sustainable development, exploration and use of geo-resources and soil while meeting high standards of environmental protection, the defense of society against natural risks, and the impact of human activities and pollution on human health and the climate. It also encompasses the ethical implications of science communication and geo-education for society, and of geoheritage and geoparks as tools to raise public awareness of the importance of geoscience and the geosphere to our lives. Addressing discrimination in the geosciences, including on grounds of gender, ethnicity or disability, is also a geoethical matter; so is the role of Earth sciences in the economic and social development of low-income countries while respecting local cultures and traditions, and in promoting peace and intercultural exchange.

Geoscientists have a fundamental part to play in addressing many of the most urgent problems affecting our planet and its population. Their technical knowledge and expert advice are vital for informed decision-making, and to ensure that education at all levels equips the citizens of the 21st century to participate in public debate about these challenges. Geoscientists with greater awareness of their ethical responsibilities towards themselves, colleagues, society and the environment will be better able to put their knowledge at the service of society, to communicate it effectively, and to grow public trust in science.

The conveners invite abstracts on both practical and theoretical aspects of geoethics, including case studies. The aim of the session is to develop ethical and social perspectives on the challenges arising from human interaction with natural systems, to complement technical approaches and solutions, and to help to define an ethical framework for geoscientists' research and practice in addressing these challenges.

The session is organized by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics ( in collaboration with the Geological Society of London.

Abstract submission

Deadline: 13 January 2016

No Abstract Processing Charges!

giovedì 3 dicembre 2015

E' stata pubblicato il numero 7 - 2015 della IAPG Newsletter

Abbiamo rilasciato il nuovo numero della IAPGeoethics Newsletter. 
Questo numero può essere scaricato dal sito web della IAPG:

Sommario (in inglese):

1) Congresses/Meetings: CALLS FOR ABSTRACTS (EGU 2016; 35th IGC).

2) Young Scientists Club: the Executive Board.

3) New IAPG Affiliations/Agreements (GSL; AGU; AEG).

4) New IAPG Partnerships (CAAWG8).

5) Other events organized by the IAPG (from IAPG-Egypt).

6) From the IAPG Blog.

giovedì 12 novembre 2015

Call for Abstracts at the 35th IGC 2016

We remind you another symposium IAPG is organizing at the next 35th IGC - International Geological Congress 2016 in Cape Town, in collaboration with Geological Society of London (GSL), European Federation of Geologists (EFG) and EuroGeoSurveys (EGS).


Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG), Nic Bilham (GSL), Vitor Correia (EFG), Luca Demicheli (EGS)

Resourcing Future Generations

Symposium description:
Meeting the resource needs of future generations is one of the greatest challenges facing global society – one in which geoscientists have a vital role to play. Adequate supplies of food and water must be secured, and health and education assured for all. Moreover, developing countries rightly expect to achieve similar increases in their citizens' standards of living to those experienced by richer countries in the 20th century. These aspirations, and the industrial development which underpins them, will create unprecedented global demand for energy and natural resources, just as we understand more fully the impact of winning and using these resources on the environment.
The scientific and technical skills of geoscientists are essential in addressing the complex challenges of meeting these "georesource" needs sustainably. But their decisions and activities also have significant ethical implications affecting society and the environment, as they find themselves at the heart of debates about how to reconcile human and economic development with environmental protection and safeguarding the interests of future generations. Geoethics provides a valuable framework in which to consider the values on which we should base ethical professional behaviours, and how these should be put into practice, as we seek to locate the work of geoscientists in its wider social and ethical context. 
The conveners invite papers addressing how geoethical perspectives can be brought to bear on the challenges of sustainably meeting future demand for georesources, including energy, groundwater and numerous mineral commodities.

Deadline: 31 January 2016 (extended: 29 February 2016)

More information at:

mercoledì 11 novembre 2015

Call for Abstracts at the 35th IGC 2016

We remind you the call for the symposium on Geoethics that IAPG is organizing at the next 35th IGC - International Geological Congress 2016 in Cape Town.


Giuseppe Di Capua, Peter Bobrowsky, Martin Bohle, John Geissman, Silvia Peppoloni

Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics

Symposium description: 
Geoethics consists of research and reflection on the values that underpin appropriate behaviours and practices, wherever human activities interact with the geosphere. Geoethics deals with the ethical, social and cultural implications of Geosciences education, research and practice and with the responsibility of geoscientists in conducting their professional activities. 
Geoscientists play a fundamental role in society, given their unique range of skills, by helping to meet human needs and address problems of relevance at the local and global scale, and by providing information and expert advice to support informed decision-making and public debate.
Geoscientific discourse is increasingly addressing ethical and social problems related to land management; environmentally sustainable supplies of energy and geo-resources; pollution reduction and its impacts on health and the climate; risk mitigation and communication; geoeducational strategies; research integrity and professional deontology; relationships among geoscientists, politicians, the mass media and the public; and the value of geodiversity, geoheritage and geoparks.
Geoscientists with greater awareness of their ethical responsibilities will be better able to put their knowledge at the disposal of society, by spreading the value of geosciences, especially among the young. 
The conveners invite abstracts on both practical and theoretical aspects of Geoethics, including case studies. The aim of the session is to develop ethical and social perspectives on the challenges arising from human interaction with natural systems, to complement technical approaches and solutions, and to help to define an ethical framework for geoscientists' activities.
The symposium is proposed by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics.

Deadline: 31 January 2016 (Extended: 29 February 2016)

More information at:

giovedì 1 ottobre 2015

Novità editoriale
Libro: "Geoethics: the Role and Responsibility of Geoscientists"

Recentemente è stato pubblicato un nuovo libro sulla geoetica nell'ambito della collana "Lyell Collection" della Geological Society of London:

Peppoloni Silvia and Giuseppe Di Capua (Eds.)

Geoethics: the Role and Responsibility of Geoscientists
2015, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 419
ISBN 978-1-86239-726-2

Due articoli di questo libro possono essere scaricati gratuitamente:

- Introduction.

- The L'Aquila Trial (Il processo di L'Aquila).

Maggiori informazioni sul libro, la lista completa degli articoli raccolti e i link ai due articoli scaricabili gratuitamente sono disponibili sul sito web della IAPG:

martedì 8 settembre 2015

E' stata pubblicato il numero 5 - 2015 della IAPG Newsletter

Abbiamo rilasciato il nuovo numero della IAPGeoethics Newsletter. 
Questo numero può essere scaricato dal sito web della IAPG:

Sommario (in inglese):

1) The program of the IAPG session on Geoethics at the GSA Annual Meeting 2015 in Baltimora (USA) is out!

2) First Colloquium on Geoethics in Peru.

3) Lectio Magistralis on Geoethics.

4) IAPG sessions on Geoethics at the 35th IGC - International Geological Congress 2016: CALL FOR ABSTRACTS.

5) Symposium on Geoethics in Spain at the IX Congreso Geológico de España: CALL FOR PAPERS.

6) New book on Geoethics in the Lyell Collection of the Geological Society of London: Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2015). Geoethics: the Role and Responsibility of Geoscientists.

mercoledì 12 agosto 2015

Le sessioni della IAPG al 
35th IGC 2016

Città del Capo (Sudafrica)
Avete intenzione di partecipare al 35th International Geological Congress (IGC), che si terrà a Città del Capo (Sudafrica), dal 27 agosto al 4 settembre 2016?

Perchè non sottomettete un abstract nelle sessioni organizzate dalla IAPG?

La IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics sta organizzado due sessioni al 35th IGC:

1) Geoethics: general aspects and case-studies
(Theme: Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics)

2) Geoethical perspectives on meeting the resource needs of future generations
(Theme: Resourcing Future Generations): questa sessione è una iniziativa congiunta IAPG, Geological Society of London, European Federation of Geologists and EuroGeoSurveys.

La descrizione delle due sessioni e le informazioni sulle modalità di sottomissione di un abstract sono disponibili all'indirizzo:

Aspettiamo di incontrarvi a Città del Capo!

mercoledì 1 luglio 2015

Il deposito nazionale per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti radioattivi: 
aspetti geologici ed ambientali

L'Ordine dei Geologi della Lombardia e la Società Geologica Italiana con il patrocinio dell'Osservatorio Chiusura Ciclo Nucleare organizzano il convegno: "Il deposito nazionale per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti radioattivi: aspetti geologici ed ambientali".

Il convegno si terrà lunedì 13 luglio, dalle 14.00 alle 18.00, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Aula Stoppani, Via Mangiagalli 34, Milano.

La partecipazione è gratuita previa iscrizione obblilgatoria entro il 10 luglio 2015.

Il programma e la scheda d'iscrizione sono disponibili sul sito web della Società Geologica Italiana:

martedì 30 giugno 2015

Il nuovo sito della IAPG è stato pubblicato

Il nuovo sito web della IAPG è online all'indirizzo

Il vecchio sito web all'indirizzo non sarà più aggiornato; in ogni caso sarà ancora visitabile.

I membri della IAPG non devono registrare nuovamente il loro account sul nuovo sito web.

domenica 3 maggio 2015

Sostieni la IAPG, destina il tuo 5x1000 all'Associazione Internazionale per la Promozione della Geoetica

Sostieni le nostre iniziative per la promozione di un approccio etico nella ricerca e nella pratica delle geoscienze.

Nella prossima dichiarazione dei redditi puoi destinare il tuo 5 x mille dell'imposta sul reddito all'Associazione Internazionale per la Promozione della Geoetica Onlus (IAPG-International Association for Promoting Geoethics).

Il 5 x mille è uno strumento che consente ai cittadini di sentirsi coinvolti nel perseguimento di obiettivi di utilità sociale.

Per destinare il tuo 5 x mille basta scrivere il codice fiscale dell'Associazione 97731120586 nello spazio già presente sulla tua dichiarazione dei redditi (modelli CUD, Unico e 730) e apporre la tua firma.

La casella corretta è "Sostegno del volontariato e delle altre organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale, delle associazioni di promozione sociale e delle associazioni e fondazioni riconosciute che operano nei settori di cui all’art. 10, c. 1, lett a), del D.Lgs. n. 460 del 1997".

Il tuo sostegno finanziario ci consentirà di dare maggiore impulso alle nostre attività finalizzate a sensibilizzare la società sui valori etici, sociali e culturali del sapere geologico.
Inoltre, vogliamo continuare a promuovere il coinvolgimento di giovani geoscienziati nella nostra rete scientifica, attraverso il finanziamento di borse di studio per la partecipazione in convegni e per lo sviluppo di iniziative nel settore dell'educazione alla cultura scientifica.

Grazie per il tuo sostegno.

mercoledì 1 aprile 2015

La sessione di Geoetica all'EGU 2015

Per il terzo anno consecutivo la IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics organizza una sessione di Geoetica (EOS8) all'EGU - General Assembly 2015 di Vienna (Austria).
La sessione avrà luogo il 15 Aprile 2015 nella stanza R12. Di seguito alcune informazioni sulla sessione e i link al programma degli orali e dei poster.
Ci vediamo a Vienna!

Session EOS8
Geoethics for society: general aspects and case studies in geosciences

Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Susan W. Kieffer, Eduardo Marone

15 April 2015: 13:30-17:00/Room R12 
15 April 2015: posters attendance 17:30-19:00/Red Posters area

Session description
Geoethics consists of research and reflection on the values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices, wherever human activities interact with the geosphere. Geoethics deals with the ethical, social and cultural implications of Earth Sciences education, research and practice, and with the social role and responsibility of geoscientists in conducting their activities. As scholars and experts on some of the most urgent problems affecting our planet, geoscientists can play a fundamental role in society, thanks to their unique range of skills, by helping to meet human needs and address environmental problems at the local and global scale, and by providing information and expert advice to support informed decision-making and public debate. Education, at all levels, must be re-oriented to give 21st century citizens a better understanding of natural systems and our interactions with them, and to equip them to participate in debate about the challenges of living equitably and sustainably on our planet. Geoscientists have a great deal to contribute to this re-orientation.
The success of past sessions on Geoethics, organized at the EGU General Assembly since 2012, has demonstrated the growing interest of the academic and professional geoscience community in issues such as environmentally sustainable supply of energy and water resources, protection from natural hazards, and reducing pollution and its impacts on health and the climate. More specifically, geoscientific discourse is increasingly addressing ethical and social problems related to land management; use of natural resources; risk mitigation and communication; geoeducational strategies; research integrity and professional deontology; relationships between geoscientists, politicians, the mass media and the public; and the value of geodiversity, geoheritage and geoparks.
Geoscientists with greater awareness of their ethical responsibilities will be better able to put their knowledge at the disposal of society, by spreading the value of geosciences and geoeducation, especially among the young, improving the communication of their research and practice to the public and policy makers, taking care of the quality of human life, and promoting sustainable development globally.
The conveners invite abstracts on both practical and theoretical aspects of Geoethics, including case studies. The aim of the session is to develop ethical and social perspectives on the challenges arising from human interaction with natural systems, to complement technical approaches and solutions, and to help to define an ethical framework for geoscientists; research and practice in addressing these challenges.
The session is promoted by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics (

venerdì 23 gennaio 2015

L'impegno geoetico del geologo

Geoitalia, n. 40, pag. 14, dicembre 2014, ISSN 1724-4285

Nel mese di dicembre 2014 è stato pubblicato un nuovo numero della rivista Geoitalia, dopo un lungo periodo di interruzione.
In questo numero, la Commissione di Geoetica della Federazione Italiana di Scienze della Terra (FIST) presenta la formula della "Promessa Geoetica" (The Geoethical Promise), pubblicata anche in lingua inglese nell'articolo:

Matteucci R., Gosso G., Peppoloni S., Piacente S., Wasowski J. (2014). The Geoethical Promise: A Proposal. Episodes, vol. 37, n. 3, pp. 190-191:

Di seguito viene riportato l'articolo pubblicato sul n. 40 di Geoitalia.